Delaware Delaware is home to a prominent Muslim population, the largest being in Newark. The state has approximately 5 mosques and various organizations that work for the propagation of Islam in the area. Hajj and Umrah are essential parts of Islam. It is a spiritual journey that a Muslim pilgrim undertakes to visit the Holy […]

5 Best Times of the Year to Go for Umrah
Best Times For Umrah Umrah is a greatest Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It is the religious act that Muslims can perform anytime or best times in a year without any time restrictions. It is one sacred form of worship that every Muslim wishes to perform at least once in their life time. […]
Key Factors of a Perfect Muslim
Islam is a complete guideline for life. It emphasizes on doing good deeds for obliging Allah and His Apostles. This is why at many places Holy Quran speaks of the true believers as “Those who believe and do good deeds”. As believers of Allah, we should always want to adorn in our ranks in front […]
9 Things to do on Friday in Islam – According to Sahih Hadith
Allah ﷻ has made certain moments, superior to others, certain months superior to others, certain day superior to others; Friday in Islam is one of those days. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ stated the significance of this day in following words: “The best day on which the Sun dawns, is Friday, it is the day […]

Individual and Collective Benefits of Hajj
Benefits Hajj Benefits of Hajj – Allah Almighty has prescribed a variety of acts of worship to humanity with a goal to test them and show who the best people in deeds and righteousness are. For individuals vary in their attitude and character. One individual may favor one kind of worship and while another may […]
Shahadah – The Power of Islam!
Shahadah – Want to know what is making Islam the most powerful religion of all? Read on to reveal the Basic Power that triggers Islam to be the best religion on the Earth! Shahadah Islam is a complete code of life. It encapsulates the revelations from the Lord of the universe and ultimate Creator with […]

Important Hajj and Umrah Guidelines for Muslims of USA
Guidelines – Every year Muslims from all over the world flock to the city of Makkah, the birthplace of our beloved Prophet PBUH, in the month of Zilhijjah. This is a spiritual voyage called Hajj, is the fifth pillar of Islam, an act of worship with the intention to expiate all past sins. It is […]
A Muslim Woman and Modern Society
With the advent of Islam, things began to change all around the world in general and in Arabia, particularly about the rights and privileges of Muslim women. Islam recognized women as an equal member of society and gave them their due regard and respect. They were assigned roles related to their stature and found their […]
Best Time to Read Holy Quran
Holy Quran is the word of Allah SWT and a book of guidance. It is a miracle of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, a miracle superior to all other miracles. This is a book of divine and heavenly knowledge revealed to our beloved Prophet ﷺ around fourteen centuries ago. Ever since it is a Beacon of Light […]
Tawbah and Istighfar in Islam
As a human, tawbah istighfar we all have that reverence instinct which naturally motivates and pushes us to submit to the Almighty. In every religion, the concept of seeking forgiveness for one’s sins is of elementary nature and the methodology changes as we move across different religions. The very concept is explained by Islam and […]