The ultimate objective of any Muslim parent, regardless of wherever they live, should be helping their kids become successful in this life and hereafter (Attaining paradise). For this, we need to do a lot of preparation ourselves because children mostly follow whatever their parents do. To make them better Muslims, therefore, we need to gather a lot of Islamic knowledge and bring them in practice on daily basis.
Author: dawnblog
The Importance of Zul Hijjah – Practices and Sunnah
Out of the sum of twelve, there are four main sacred months in Islam, Zul Qa’dah, Zul Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab. As per Islamic beliefs the reward for any good deed done in this month is multiplied and so does the punishment for sins. Muslims should indulge themselves in ibadah, especially during the first 10 […]

Mahram Rules of Hajj for Pilgrim Women
Mahram Rules of Hajj – Islam is the religion of peace and wisdom. Allah ﷻ knows better about human needs, good and bad aspects of selfdom and thus provide a complete guide for life through Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the Holy Quran. In Islam, women should be treated as the noblest aspect of a society. […]
Halal Food for US Schools Now Playing a Big Role for Muslim Students
The Muslim population is on a continuous rise in the west. To keep them facilitated with halal food options, President Obama has started the Halal food Programs for Muslim students in Public schools. Now the school cafeterias in USA will be presenting the halal food for the Muslim students and this will be the first […]
The Rights of Non-Muslim Neighbors in Islam
Islam gives great importance to healthy relationship with the neighbors. It encourages Muslims to treat their neighbors in a friendly and polite manner. It does not matter, if the neighbor is a Muslim or Non-Muslim, Islam demands its followers to treat them with respect and kindness. The mother of believers, Aisha (R.A), stated that she […]
Repentance –The Most Noble form of Obedience that comes with Benefits, Merits and Rewards
In Islam, repentance (Tawbah) refers to asking forgiveness from Allah ﷻ for the committed sins. A believer who sincerely repent, be firm on not to commend the same again and follow the rules govern by Allah will surely get a rise in his stature by Allah. Merits Repentance can only be accomplished if the sinner, […]
Importance of Tourism in Pakistan
Tourism in Pakistan There is a delusive image created by the media and then there is the real Tourism in Pakistan that has so much to offer. With people of hospitality and exquisitely tempting food choices, Pakistan is one of the beautiful country in Asia, which consecrated with lusciously rich geographical diversities, historical heritage, lofty […]
6 Valid Reasons that Prove Pork is Absolute Unsafe and Haram
Prove Pork Unsafe Haram The religion of Islam is all about human welfare. Allah ﷻ loves mankind and wants us to stay safe from evil in all corners of life and so forbids certain things. Pork is strictly prohibited in Islam. In the Holy Quran, Allah has clearly ordered to all the believers to stay […]

The Virtues of Umrah
Every form of Ibadah is attached along with its virtues in the religion of Islam, including the pilgrimage of Umrah. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has linked a number of Hadiths (Ahadith) about Allah’s bounties, wonderful blessings and rewards of performing the pilgrimage of Umrah, throughout a Muslim’s life. Shared below are some of the most authentic […]

Places All Pilgrims Must Visit During or After Performing Hajj / Umrah
If you are planning your Hajj Umrah, the following places are a must to visit. Jannatul Maula Near Mosque Al Haram, on the way to Mina, there is a cemetery for the citizens of Makkah called Jannatul Maula or Al-Hajun. This cemetery is of imperative importance because it has the graves of Um-Al-Momeneen, Hazrat Khadija […]