Gender Equality The content of Quran Hakim depicts the context of Islam and its teachings. The role of Sunnah is explaining and defining the meaning of its Quranic text. We get to know from both these sources that Allah SWT has created men and women so that they get tranquility, bliss, and joy in the […]
Tag: Islam

Hijama In The State of Ihram or While Fasting
Hijama or cupping is technique used by prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to cure illness. It also helps in promoting health and proper maintenance of body. Hijama is strongly recommended to everyone and its practice is stress upon through various Ahadith. In Arabic, It means ‘drawing out’. It is now acknowledged as an alternate method to cure […]
The Dos and Don’ts of Muslim Marriage
Choosing the right match for yourself or for your children is one of the most challenging tasks. A lot of young Muslims try to find their way through the marriage process. It is tough to have clarity on what is permissible in Islam and what is not. What should be done and what should not […]
History of 10th of Muharram
History of Muharram This is the first month of the Islamic calendar. As the name ‘haram’ suggests, it’s a sacred month of Muharram among others i.e. Rajab, Zil-qadh, and Zilhaj. The virtues of this sacred month have not only been celebrated by the Muslims, but also the followers of other major religions like Judaism and […]
Importance of family life in Islam
Importance Of Family In A Society The Institution of family has great importance for the development of a progressive society. Having a family life gives a person a reason to live and work for. It gives immense pleasure and satisfaction from life. In fact, having a great relationship gives a purpose of life. Islam And […]
Rights of Neighbor in Islam
Neighbor Rights – Islam is a religion for the whole of humanity. Likewise Islam lays great stress on the rights of neighbors. The holy Prophet said: “Jibrael always used to advise me to be generous with neighbors, till I thought that Allah was going to include neighbors among the heirs of a Muslim.” “That man […]
Islam and Divorce
Divorce is the most disliked, but allowed conduct in Islam. Islam considers divorce as abhorrent and reprehensible, yet it is permitted in Islam as the last resort if the marriage does not seem to be working. The institution of marriage in Islam is a very sacred and blessed one in which the couple is expected […]
Belief in Holy Books
Ever since Allah created mankind, He has been sending His messengers as and when needed to bring out the people from the depth of darkness and ignorance to the light of knowledge and glorification. To help Allah’s messengers spread the word of Allah and His teachings, some of the messengers were revealed Holy Books by […]
All Basics Information about Islam
Basics of Islam Islam is the universal religion. It is the only one that isn’t man-made and the last religion revealed to the mankind that contains the truth about everything in the universe. It clarifies all the blurred and glitch information initiated from Judaism and Christianity and orders to worship the One God who created […]
Basic Beliefs of Islam
Basic beliefs – Islam is the second most followed religion in the world. About one-fourth of the world’s population pursues Islam that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ in Makkah over 1400 years ago. There are five pillars of Islam that form the core of this religion. Quran is the holy book which regulates […]