When a Muslim stops practicing Islam, his/her sins increase. Faith (Imaan) starts to weaken when Ibadah reduces. This is the point where heart starts becoming hard to the point that nothing about Islam touches your heart. The Muslims start getting attracted to forbidden acts and they fail to notice it till it’s too late. Prophet […]
Riya (Showing Off) – Pretending Virtuousness
Riya (Showing Off) Riya refers to the act of doing things that are pleasing to Allah with an intention of getting admiration from others. This implies that the primary intention in such cases is generally to show off one’s good deeds just to receive admiration and praises from others. It is equal to practicing virtue […]
Is It Permissible For Women To Slaughter Animals?
Many people debate if Islam allows women to slaughter animals or not. However, the Islamic scholars agree that it is permissible for women to slaughter animals because Sunnah and Quran do not specifically mention that only men are allowed to slaughter animals. One of the evidences from Quran that prove that women are allowed to […]
Are Muslims Allowed To Eat Kosher Meat?
Both observant Muslims and Jews only eat Halal or Kosher products, therefore they find difficulty in finding meat products allowed to them by their respected religions. Both the religions advocate strict rules regarding the type of food to be consumed and the method of slaughtering animal in accordance to God’s will. In many countries, Muslims […]
Rare Images of Graves of Various Prophets and Messengers of Allah
Graves of Various Prophets Almighty Allah has sent 124,000 prophets, Adam A.S is our first Prophet and Muhammad (PBUH) is our last prophet. Almighty Allah has declared in the Quran in Surah al-Imran: “O People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Why do you dispute about Abraham, while the Torah and the Gospel were not […]

Hajj in the Past
Today, Muslims from all around the world perform the holy pilgrimage of Hajj without any trouble. Modern facilities were not available in the past, but it failed to hurt the pilgrims’ passion, enthusiasm and the urge to please Allah. Just to give you a flavor of how Hajj in the past used to be, shared […]

Vaccination Requirements for Umrah 2014 – Umrah 2015
Vaccination Requirements for Umrah 2014- Umrah 2015: Keeping in mind the medical concerns related to Umrah 2014– Umrah 2015, Saudi Arabs requires the pilgrims to get vaccinated against the following diseases/ viral infections, etc: Vaccination against Meningococcal Meningitis: A certificate of vaccination is required to be presented by adults and children over the age of […]
Why a Catholic Father converted to Islam and what was his journey like?
Let us be very candid. We all know that rarely any non-Muslim would convert to Islam without exploring all the other religious options available. They only opt for Islam once they get disappointed in other religions such as Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity etc. They usually consider Islam as their last option, but once they chose […]
Travel to Pakistan from USA – Spend Holidays with Your Loved Ones
Spend Holidays in Pakistan This Holidays Travel to Pakistan with Dawn Travels Holidays is one of the most anticipated Islamic Events of the year. What else could be better than celebrating it with your near and dear ones! For this purpose, Dawn Travels has made special arrangements for its Pakistani clients. Now, cheap ticket to […]

The Hajj / Umrah Check List
Check list for Hajj/ Umrah (Packing) Performing Hajj/ Umrah is not an easy task. It demands a lot of energy, will-power and physical/emotional strength. In order to ensure a smooth journey, the role of good planning cannot be under-estimated. If the traveler takes along all the essential items with him/her, the […]