Many must be wondering what is known by Multazam especially those who did not get the privilege to visit the holy city of Makkah. Multazam is the area which is bordered by the door of Kaaba on one side and Hajr-e-Aswad on the other. You may see most of the people clinging to this area, […]
The Blessed Door of Kaabah
Every religion in the world has certain holy and sacred shrines and sites that have a special association with the supernatural. Jews take Jerusalem as their most sacred site. Christian community considers shrines belonging to saints as holy and wish to receive goodwill from their God in the form of healing and blessing. Muslims have […]
Rukan Yamani – The Blessed Corner of Kaabah
The holiest site for the Muslims throughout the world is the Grand Kaabah that is the epicenter of the Muslim Ummah. There are so many aspects of this beautiful cubical shaped building draped in black cloth which is still unknown by many Muslim. One corner of the holy Kaabah is known as Rukan Yamni which […]
Best Ways to Get Your Umrah and Visa Processing
Get Umrah Tour Hajj and Umrah are divine journeys to the House of Allah and hold a high significance in the life of Muslims. Muslims all around the world travel to Makkah and get Umrah all year around, whereas Hajj can only be done in one month of the year. Due to the increase in pilgrims, […]
The Secret of a Successful Wedding
Weddings usually take place once in every individual’s lifetime with the marriage being looked upon as a beautiful concept in the religion of Islam. The concept of marriage is a wonderful one. It is a bond or partnership that goes above and beyond the promises made in the fantasy world. A successful wedding is an […]
What are most important Surahs in the Quran describe with benefits?
Holy Quran is the most powerful and blessed book of Allah SWT. It’s a gift to mankind and the Quran is revealed on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This blessed book teaches principles of Islamic faith and is a code of life for Muslims. This book is guidance for Muslims who want to become righteous. […]
The Black Stone (Hajrah al Aswad) has Great Historical Importance
The Black Stone: The blessed city of Makkah is the holiest place for Muslims. Pious Muslims dream of visiting the holy city of Makkah and performing the religious obligation. If you have experience of visiting Kaabah with the intention of performing Umrah or Hajj you have definitely observed the Black stone which is present at […]
The Rights to a Secure Life in Islam
The religion of Islam is considered to be one of great equality, fairness, justice, and well being for all. Islam encourages the practicing of a great number of rights that lead to the security and freedom of its followers. From rights relating to the security of one’s life and property to holding posts in office, […]
Spiritual Journey to Saudi Arabia
A hundred and thousand Muslims all around the world starts their spiritual journey to Saudi Arabia, not just for Hajj or Umrah but also for visiting historically significant landmarks of Makkah and Madinah. Mostly Muslims visit Saudi Arabia with the intention of Hajj which is the fifth pillar of Islam. Irrespective of the caste, creed, […]
Types of Tawaaf
Being a Muslim we all know that Tawaaf is one of the most important steps of pilgrimage. Circumambulating around Holy Kaabah in seven circles completes one Tawaaf. One condition is that it should be started and ended at Hajar al-Aswad and should be done in an anticlockwise direction. The purpose of Tawaaf is to bring […]