Hajj is the name given to a pilgrimage made by Muslims at least once in a lifetime. It is part of the five pillars of Islam, mandatory for all financially and physically able. On the first day of the annual Islamic pilgrimage. Hujjaj flock to Mina as part of the first leg of their journey […]
Hajj in Quran and Hadith
Hajj – As Described in Surah Baqarah The Hajj season is approaching. Trillions of Muslims are planning to congregate in Makkah and the solemn places to acknowledge Allah’s invitation to visit His co-op. As you scroll down, you’ll explore some of the Prophet’s hadiths related to Hajj. You will learn about the significance of this […]
Preparations You Should Make Before Leaving for Hajj
Hajj Preparations We are firm on this how you don’t want to be sorry for your Godly journey to Allah. Lucky are you if you’re reading this and you’re on your preparations to leave for your first Hajj. You might behave weird or act worried since you’re going to be a ‘Pilgrim’ and it’s all […]
Hajj e Badal
Hajj e Badal is referred to the Hajj performed on behalf of someone else who is physically unfit or is no more in this world. The person who is going to perform the Hajj on someone else’s behalf is known as Mahmoor and on whose behalf he is doing Hajj is known as Aamir. Mahmoor […]
Life after Hajj
Life after Hajj You performed the greatest obligatory Muslim ritual and it’s over with the blink of an eye. Now, what can you do to maintain your spirituality life after Hajj? What does it take to be a true Muslim whole life? Usually, when you return home after Makkah and Madinah pilgrimage, you get a […]
Four Reasons Why Do Muslim Go To Hajj?
Reasons Muslim Perform Hajj Reasons why Muslim go to Hajj. “The Feet of man will no slip on the day of resurrection until he is asked of five things: of his life as to how he used it, his youth as to how he utilized it, his wealth as from where he earned it and […]
Importance of the First 10 Days of Hajj
Be it the benefits of good deeds, worship or intense repentance, the importance of the first 10 days of Hajj can never be denied. This particular time period carries a great deal of power for those who believe and take heed. The Islamic month of Zul Hijjah is termed to be important because it is […]

Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr
The holy month of Ramadan and Eid al Fitr are considered to be very auspicious occasions. They are both termed as festivities that follow each other in sequence. Each of these events has their due significance with numerous rites and rituals being performed throughout the year. Ramadan takes place during the ninth position of the […]

Last Ashra of Ramadan – Seeking Refuge
What Does Ashra Mean? The word Ashra is originated from an Arabic word which means ten. Everyone knows about the three Ashras of Ramadan and each to till ten days according to the Islamic calendar. First Ashra: (First ten days of Ramadan) – Days of Mercy Second (Second ten days) – Days of Forgiveness Third […]

Ramadan – The Unlimited Rewards United with the Most Sacred Month
Ramadan Rewards The Umrah is a pilgrimage to Mecca. It is performed by Muslims from all over the world. It can be done at any time of the year. The rewards reaped from performing an Umrah at any time of the year, are great in number, but if the same is done in Ramadan, the […]