Have you ever wondered what amazing benefits we achieve through fasting? Allah commanded Muslims to fast in Ramadan in 2 A.H. Today science affirms the health benefits of fasting. With its positive effect on our soul, it renders surreal spiritual benefits. Let’s discover the advantages of fasting during Ramadan in detail.
Significance of Fasting
Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is an obligatory worship for every sane adult Muslim. Fasting has been a medium of reaching peace and tranquility even before the advent of Islam. It is one of the best ways to become pious and god-fearing. Here are some of the benefits of fasting.
Spiritual Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan
Builds Self-Control
When a Muslim fasts, he stays away from food, drink, and sexual activity. Moreover, he practices control and self-restraint by not reacting to situations negatively or losing his temper. So fasting is not only about physical but emotional control too. Hence, fasting promotes self-discipline, humility, and better self-control.
Promotes Brotherhood
Some fasting rituals, such as Taraweeh prayers, charity, suhoor, and iftar at prescribed times, build a sense of unity and brotherhood in Muslims. Ramadan brings people together and strengthens the communal bond between Muslims. People share joys and sorrows. When a person fasts, he realizes the pain of hunger experienced by the unfortunate ones. Thus people share their blessings with the poor and needy during the month. Islam is a social religion that believes in collective good by fostering unity and brotherhood.
Spiritual Cleansing and Piety
Ramadan is a great opportunity to rid oneself of worldly desires and obsession. It reminds us that this world is temporary. Supreme authority lies with Allah and we all are his subjects. He sent us to this world to spend our lives according to Islamic teachings and spread the word of Islam. Accumulation of wealth, power, and status will not lead us to a sustainable end, for everything will remain in this world. Only our deeds will go with us to the second world. Ramadan reminds us of the biggest reality of this world. It is an excellent opportunity for one to become more pious. Hence, Ramadan lets a person walk on the Guided Path which Allah blesses with rewards in both worlds.
Enhances Faith
Worshipping in Ramadan brings a person closer to Allah. People increase their prayers and recitation of the Quran during the holy month. This lets a Muslim build a stronger tie with his Creator. The person feels content and grateful. It makes a person more God-fearing and righteous. Thus, Ramadan increases a person’s faith in Allah, making him successful in this world and hereafter.
Expiation from Sins
Ramadan is a wonderful opportunity to cry and plead in front of your Creator and beg for forgiveness. One of the biggest blessings of Ramadan is the Night of Power or the Laylat-ul-Qadr. It is one of the last five odd nights in Ramadan. Allah says in the Holy Quran that worship on this night is better than a thousand nights’ worship. Many Muslims spent these nights in solitude, begging and imploring for forgiveness. They increase worship during these nights. It is a great opportunity to earn countless rewards and blessings.
Health Benefits of Fasting During Ramadan
Detoxification of Body
Research indicates fasting during Ramadan renders innumerable benefits to the body. Staying away from food and drink for a long gives rest to the digestive system. It lets out the toxins from the body improving gut health. It also aids in liver detoxification, which improves overall health.
Hormonal Balancing
When a person fasts, the body uses stored fats for energy. This helps in improving metabolic rate. This helps in balancing the hormones in the body. After the first few days of Ramadan, our body begins to release a group of hormones, endorphins, also known as happiness hormones. They give you a feeling of satiation, improve mood and lower stress. Hence, fasting enhances a person’s feeling of well-being.
Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Regulation
When our body uses up the stored fat during the fast, it helps in weight and cholesterol reduction. Therefore, fasting helps in controlling diabetes and cholesterol in the body. Lower cholesterol and blood sugar improve heart health.
Boosts Brain Health
Fasting aids in the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors. This improves the coordination of the nervous system, promoting brain health. Fasting protects people from brain diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It improves brain memory and overall functioning. Additionally, science supports that waking up at suhoor is the best for our brain health. Hence, we can never fully realize the immense benefits of fasting during Ramadan.
Strengthens Immune System
Fasting rids the body of toxins and inflammation. It boosts mental and physical well-being. It reduces fat storage. Moreover, consumption of healthy foods at iftar and suhoor boosts health. Hence, fasting strengthens a person’s immune system.