The Benefits of Visiting Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi

The Benefits of Visiting Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi

Masjid al-Haram and Masjid al-Nabawi-the Two Holiest Places in the World

Allah ordered the angels to create Holy Kabah as the first place of worship on Earth. Since the beginning of this world, it has been the most revered place on Earth. Similarly, the Prophet’s Muhammad (PBUH) mosque in Madina is Earth’s second most blessed place. When Muslims perform Hajj or Umrah they visit Prophet’s mosque (PBUH) to earn blessings.

Benefits of Visiting Masjid al-Haram

Masjid al-Haram:

Masjid al-Haram is Earth’s most peaceful, blissful, and purest place. When Muslims visit the mosque during Hajj or Umrah, they experience Allah’s miracles in this holy place. They experience surreal feelings that have never happened before. Allah blesses the visitors with the contentment and tranquility they have been searching for all their lives.

When someone visits the House of Allah, Allah treats His guests with the best of hospitality. Allah listens to the cries and pleas of His slaves. He eases their heart and blesses them with bounties. People experience success in worldly matters. They realize how things turn in their favor. Surely Allah never returns anyone empty-handed who stumbles at His door.

Holy Kabah:

When people visit the Holy Kabah, they are awe-struck by its sanctity. They realize how deeply involved they have become in the world. Allah reminds them of the real purpose of life. This is a huge blessing if one realizes it at the right time and corrects himself. 

Uniting as one in the service of Allah fosters brotherhood and unity amongst the Muslims. It is a very important benefit especially today when Muslims are disunited. Such a display of unity empowers Muslims as a nation. Also, circulating Kabah strengthens the belief in the Supreme Authority of Allah. It is only Him who is worthy of worship. Such belief boosts the self-esteem of a believer as he does not have to bow in front of anyone, but Allah.

Benefits of Visiting Masjid al-Nabawi

Masjid al-Nabawi:

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) along with his companions created Masjid al-Nabawi in Madina after he migrated there. There have been several renovations and expansions to the holy mosque. It exudes unparalleled calmness and tranquility. The mosque is also the burial place of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). An Umrah trip without a visit to Masjid al-Nabawi deprives a person of immense blessings and rewards.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave glad tidings to those who visited his mosque and the blessed grave. He will intercede for him on the Day of Judgement. As a believer, it is immensely satisfying to visit the Prophet’s mosque (PBUH). When you see different places and sections of the mosque you wonder where our beloved Prophet (PBUH) must have walked, sat, or rested, especially those areas that have been preserved in their original condition. Such feelings revive faith and love for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who devoted his life to his ummah. The person feels repentful for his sins and vows to become a staunch follower of sunnah. 

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Mosque:

Allah blesses those with bounties in this world and hereafter who visit the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) mosque. Allah protects them from calamities and evil. Allah grants them success in their work, education, relationships, and other worldly matters. Moreover, such people enjoy an exalted status as they offer salam to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when they visit the holy shrine. There is an immense reward for paying salam in both worlds.

Believers must adopt appropriate manners and decorum when visiting the mosque of Madina. They must enter with humility and respect. Sometimes people break order, especially during Hajj and Ramadan season when the mosque is overcrowded. People must remain composed and orderly believing that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is watching us and would be disappointed to see such conduct.

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