The Story of Safa Marwa Explained

The Story of Safa and Marwa Explained

During Umrah, hundreds of Muslims run to and from the Safa and Marwa hills. Have you ever wondered what is the story of Safa and Marwa hills? Why has Allah made it an obligatory act of Hajj and Umrah? Let’s unfold the miraculous tale of  Safa and Marwa.

Hazrat Ibrahim’s (AS) Trials

Hazrat Ibrahim AS was one of Allah’s closest and most blessed prophets. That is why he also earned the title of Khalil Allah, the friend of Allah. However, it was a very hard-earned title. Allah tested him all his life. One of the toughest trials was when Allah commanded him to leave his precious son Ibrahim (AS) and wife Hazrat Hajra to the deserted plains of Arabia from the fertile lands of Palestine. At that time the Arabic lands were devoid of human inhabitation. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) fulfilled Allah’s command without blinking an eye. Equally obedient was his devoted wife, Hazrat Hajra who did not question her husband as to why and where they were going. It was Allah’s command, therefore it was for good.

Hazrat Hajra’s Struggles

When Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) left his wife and son without food and shelter, Hazrat Hajra stood helpless and directionless in the desolate, barren, and scorching desert. Lost in her misery, Hazrat Ibrahim’s cries of hunger jolted her. She ran frantically between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times searching for a clue of life. Someone to help, provide her with food and water, or any faintest sight of hope. No one, but Allah listened to her cries for mercy. As the little Ibrahim rubbed his feet, Allah made the miraculous water of Zamzam gush out from the ground. It was such a spellbinding sight that Hazrat Hajra forgot all her desperation. As she saw water flowing in all directions, she blurted out, “Zam Zam!”. In Arabic, it means to stop. It was as if she was telling the water to stop so that she could collect it for her use.

To this day, the well of Zamzam continues to provide water to millions of pilgrims who come to perform Hajj and Umrah.

Spiritual and Social Importance of the Event

No human could reason Allah’s command to leave Hazrat Hajra in the deserts of Arabia. However, it was something that marked the beginning of the most important revolution in the world. The Arabia was uninhabited at that time as it was a barren desert. As the well of Zamzam sprang, word spread around fast that there was a water source to support life. Hence, human settlements began in Arabia. Eventually, it became the place where Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS) built the house of Allah, the Holy Kabah. They prayed to Allah to bless their offspring with an abundance of prosperity and prestige. Hence, Makkah became one of the most respected places in the world. It also became the trade center, making the city prosperous.

Most of all, Allah blessed Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Ismail by having Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) among their descendants. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became Allah’s last prophet and messenger who completed Islam and brought the Holy Quran. This is how Allah immensely rewarded Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and his family for their great sacrifices.

Safa Marwa Dua

Here is a supplication pilgrims recite when performing Sai between Mount Safa and Marwa:

Abda’u bi maa bada’-allaahu bih allaahu akbar, allaahu akbar, allaahu akbar laa ilaaha ill-allaahu waḥdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer, laa ilaaha ill-allaahu waḥdahu, anjaza wa‛dahu, wa naṣara ‛abdahu, wa hazam-al-’aḥzaaba waḥdah

I begin with what Allah began with. Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without a partner. To Him belongs all sovereignty and praise and He is over all things omnipotent. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone. He fulfilled His promise, aided His Servant, and single-handedly defeated the allies.

Lessons for Us From the Story of Safa and Marwa

The tale of Safa and Marwa has many lessons for the believers. Firstly, we must believe in Allah’s plan. Sometimes it may seem that things are not in our favor. But we must follow the Guided Path and trust Allah. Allah loves his beings the most, therefore, walking on Allah’s path can never do us any harm.

Hazrat Hajra’s struggle was very difficult. But she kept trying. She did not give up. Similarly, we must not give up, no matter how tough the conditions are. Hard work, patience, and perseverance pay off.

Another important lesson for us is how highly Islam values women, especially mothers. This event marked the beginning of the Arabic civilization. With this example, Allah showed us how critical role women have in creating history. Moreover, it shows the power of the prayer of a mother. When a mother pleads to Allah, Allah showers his immense blessings upon her.

In The End

Every year during the Dhul Hijjah, the story of Hazrat Hajra’s perseverance and endurance refreshes our souls. It helps strengthen our faith. The Zamzam well stands as a witness to the timeless story of Safa and Marwa.

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