Important events of Rabi al-Awwal: – Rabi al-Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar. This month has great significance for Muslims. Many important events took place during this blessed month. To begin with, the migration to Madinah took place during this month. The Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) married to Hazrat Khadijah in Rabi […]
7 Of The Most Popular Attractions in Turkey
Turkey: – the delightful blend of east and west: – For over two decades, Turkey has been eyed by tourists all around the world as the best place to have all that you can ever think of in a holiday. Be it the long sandy beaches on the Mediterranean and Aegean coast, soaring mountains or […]
The Blissful Masjid-e-Nabawi
Importance of Masjid-e-Nabawi in Islam: – When Allah commanded his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to migrate from Makkah to Madina. The people of Madinah welcomed him and his followers wholeheartedly. Everyone, rich-poor, young and old, yearned for the Prophet Muhammad to stay at their residence. The Prophet announced politely that he will stay at the […]
Azaan- An Amazing Discovery
Indeed, it’s the best call from Allah. It’s an Islamic proclamation to alarm Muslims that the time for worship in the mosque. Azaan is an Arabic word and it’s being called by a muezzin (one who calls the Azaan) 5 times a day. Meaning of ‘Azaan’ It is a reminder to pray Salah which means […]
Married Life in Islam and Its Importance
Married Life Marriage is a very sacred institution in Islam. It is the first relationship that Allah created when He created Hazrat Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawwa (AS). It is the foundation of any Islamic society. Islam describes husband and wife as “garments” of each other. This indicates the level of importance of married life […]
How to Recite Surah Yasin?
Quran-A Gift from Allah for The Believers Quran is the biggest of Allah’s countless blessings for mankind. It is the ultimate source of guidance for us. It is the most perfect, flawless and divine book ever witnessed as it is the word of Allah. Nobody can bring a book like the Holy Quran or replicate […]
The Magnificent Masjid Nimrah
History of Masjid Nimrah: – Masjid Nimrah is located on the plains of Arafat in Makkah. There is a great historic significance of this mosque. It is the place where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) delivered his last sermon when he performed his last Hajj in 10 AH. 124,000 companions accompanied the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on Hajj. […]
Sharia Law in Islam, Christianity and Judaism
The religious law also commonly termed as the Sharia holds great significance in Islam. But that is not the only religion where its significance is felt. Sharia law is also an important aspect of Christianity and Judaism. This is considered to comprise of both ethical as well as moral codes. These have been present for […]
Jerusalem, the sacred city in Islam
Importance of the city of Jerusalem: – Jerusalem is the only city in the world which holds great importance for Muslims, Jews and Christians alike. It is because it was this city where Allah sent most of his prophets for the guidance of people. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), Hazrat Moosa (AS), Hazrat Dawood (AS), Hazrat Suleiman […]
Conditions of Marriage in Islam
Marriage is not cheery merry and simple as it sounds. It’s a big word and more than that a bigger responsibility. Conditions so, how do we define it? It is the tied wedlock between two people and pronounced as “Nikkah” in Islam. Muslims attend hundreds of weddings every year. This is perhaps a very common […]