Healthy Ramadan Meal Plan

Healthy Ramadan Meal Plan

Ramadan is a month of the Quran, a month of spiritual cleanliness and the month of Ibadah. Unfortunately, this month has become an eating festivity rather than a month to improve oneself spiritually. People are preoccupied with the cooking meal menus of iftaar and suhoor. Most of the precious time of this month is spent in preparing lavish meals that affect them afterward, when they have to stand for Taraweeh prayers.

Let’s break this notion and prioritize worship of Allah this Ramadan by planning healthy and simple meal plan.

Healthy Ramadan Mean Plan

Identify Right Food

Food that is green and closest to nature will always be the right food and cure to most illness and diseases out there. Stock up your fridge with a lot of vegetables and fresh fruits this year rather than fried, fatty junk food. Right food does not necessarily have to be boring. It depends on your creativity that how you highlight the taste and preserve the nutrients. It will not only give you required energy but also keep you active and fit.

Healthier Food

Vegetables that contain the highest amount of minerals and vitamins must be utilized throughout Ramadan. You can make fruit juice by using fresh fruits and adding a small amount of honey to keep it on healthier side. The dairy products are a must in this month so try to stock up low-fat dairy milk and products. Instead of using clarified butter, substitute it with vegetable oils. Go for fish, skinless chicken, and lean meat and avoid frying. Grill, bake or boil them to get the benefits of its nutrients in a healthy way. Incorporate all basic food in your diet like grains, bread, vegetable, fruits, legumes, meat and milk to avoid deficiency in your body.

Suhoor Food

At the start of your day, the diet must be full of energy so that it helps you to spend the day actively and energetically. Try to incorporate oats porridge at Suhoor. It is the Sunnah breakfast of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH and packed with health and energy. Add in some nuts and dates if you like. Including some fruits in your porridge bowl is another good option that will keep you hydrated. Another great option is a milkshake. Choose any fruit or combination of fruits to make a fruit smoothie.  You can also go for multigrain bread and omelet cooked in small amount of oil.

Iftaar Food

Keep iftaar light and healthy by incorporating soups and salads. A fish or chicken fillet boiled, steamed, grilled or roasted will give you protein power. Have this with mix vegetable salad or brown rice. You can also try chapattis at Iftaar with curd that will refresh you instantly.


Let’s make ibadah priority this Ramadan instead of preparing meals by going for healthy and simple meal plan so that we take advantage of every moment of this blessed day doing worship of Allah.

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