Essential Umrah Guide for Muslims

The Essential Umrah Guide for Muslims

Planning for a journey towards Makkah and Madinah to Perform Umrah for Chicago, San Jose, San Francisco, New York, Houston, Los Angeles and Many More USA Cities ? Get a complete guide for your sacred journey here!

Umrah is a beautiful journey to the house of Allah SWT. It is one of the greatest Sunnah of beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This spiritual voyage is performed with yearning,  gratefulness, and love. The sentiments after performing this sacred journey are inexpressible. Only the one who performed this knows the feeling. It simply refurbishes mind and purifies the soul.

Umrah Guide for Muslims

This holy expedition is an expiration of all sins. Millions of Muslims all over the world perform this act of worship all over the year.

It was narratd that Abud Hurairah (RA) said: Allah Messenger (PBUH) said, “From on Umrah to another is expiation for what comes in betwwn, and “Hajj Al-Mabrur’ brings no reward less than Paradise”

(Hadith No.2630, Book of The Rites of Hajj, Sunan An-Nasa’i, Vol.3,;Hadith No.2888, Chapters of Hajj, Sunan Ibn Majah, Vol,4)

What is Umrah?

The word is specifically has been derived from an Arabic word called I’timaar. It means ‘a visit.’ and stands for a visit to Holy Kaabah. This holy ritual can be performed any time throughout the year. It can be performed alongside Hajj as well.

Pillars of Umrah

There are four pillars of this prayer:

  1. Ihraam: acquired at Meeqat
  2. Tawaaf: around Holy Kaabah
  3. Sa’iy: performed in between Safa and Marwah by walking seven times
  4. Tahal-lul: leaving condition of Ihraam

Procedure for performing Umrah


After a pilgrim made an intention of performing Umrah, he must arrive at Meeqat. It is recommended to take bath if suitable. Then pilgrim enters into the state of Ihraam. This must be done before reaching Meeqat. Pilgrim is called Muhrim after entering the state of Ihraam.

Prayer and Talbiyyah

Two Sunnah rakat are offered by pilgrims after reaching Meeqat. Then Talbiyyah is said in these beautiful words:

“Labbaik Allahumma Labaik.Labbaik La Sharika Laka Labbaik. Inna I-Hamda, Wa n Nimata, Laka wal Mulk, La Shairk Lak”

Translation: “Here I am at Thy service O’lord, here I am, Here I am at They Service and thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners.”

Entering Mosque Al-Haraam

Pilgrims need to enter this sacred mosque with right foot first and reciting this dua:

“Bismillahi, Allahumma slli’alaa muhammadin wa sallim – allahumma aftah lee abwaaba rahmatika”

Translation: In the name of Allah: O Allah! Exalt the mention of your messenger. O Allah! Forgive my sins and open the gates for your mercy to me.

Then pilgrims advance towards Black Stone and touch it with the right hand. If this is not possible then they point towards it.

When looking at Kaabah for the first time pilgrim’s eyes must be fixed at this sanctified house of Allah SWT. It is recommended to say Allah o Akbar or Darood Ibrahimi and with tears in eyes supplicate to Allah SWT. This is an extraordinary moment for acknowledgment of supplications.


Circulating seven times around Holy Kaabah is Tawaaf. Pilgrims walk by keeping Kaabah at the left side and recite following dua:

“Rabbana aatinaa fid dunya hasanatan wa feel akhirati hasanatan wa qinaa adhaaban naar”

Translation: “Our Lord, grant us good in this lifetime and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the hellfire.”

After completing Tawaaf pilgrims reach Muqaam-e-Ibrahim and recite:

“Watakhidoo min maqaami ibrahima musalla”

Translations: And take you (people0 to the Maqa’am of Ibrahim as a place of prayers.”

Then pilgrims reach Zam Zam well, drink Zam Zam and pour over head. Now it is the time for Sa’iy.


Next stage is to reach Mount Safa. When pilgrims approach the foot of Safa they must say:

“innas safaa wal marwata min shaair illahi faman hajjal baila awi tamara falaa janaaha alaihi an yattawafa bihima wa man tatawwa khiran fa innallahaha shakirun aleemun”

Translation: Verily As Safaa and Al Mawah are from the symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin on him who performs Hajj or Umrah of the house of Allah (Kaaba) to perform the tawaaf between them and whoever does good voluntarily, then verily. Allah is all recongnizer, all knower. (Quran 2:158)

Pilgrims descend from Mount Safa and go towards Marwah. Upon reaching Marwah same procedure is followed. One lap completes at Mount Marwah. Then pilgrims proceed to Mount Safa.


The last ritual of Umrah is Taqseer or Halq. This step involves cutting hairs (Taqseer) or shaving completely (Halq). Taqseer is for women while men can choose between Taqseer and Halq.

After the rights of Ihraam are lifted then finally, the rituals will be completed.

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