Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr

Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr

The holy month of Ramadan and Eid al Fitr are considered to be very auspicious occasions. They are both termed as festivities that follow each other in sequence. Each of these events has their due significance with numerous rites and rituals being performed throughout the year.

Ramadan takes place during the ninth position of the Islamic calendar and its end signifies the beginning of Eid ul Fitr.  There are numerous religious and spiritual benefits to attain from both these events. This is why it is deemed important to understand how both Ramadan and Eid ul Fitr is celebrated.

The holy month of Ramadan- a blessing for all

The holy month of Ramadan- a blessing for all

Ramadan is termed to be a huge blessing for all Muslims. It is a one-month duration where Muslims are obliged to observe complete fasts. These begin at the start of dawn and end at dusk. During this time period. All Muslims must observe a few basic guidelines that pertain to Ramadan. This includes the abstaining of food and drink and other pleasures and desires of the worldly life. Ramadan is also the fourth pillar in Islam.

The Holy Quran sends down as guidance for all of mankind. This holy book serves as a light of divine guidance as well as clear judgment for those in wonder. It is complete and for this reason, believers spend Ramadan in its recitation to obtain unlimited blessings.

The real deep message behind the concept of Ramadan

What does the holy month of Ramadan teach us? For many, Ramadan can be termed as an event with a significant message. Yes, the benefits to reap during such a holy occasion are undoubtedly immense. But at the same time. It is important to understand that the message behind Ramadan’s concept is a unique one.

Believers exercise self-restraint, tolerance, and patience of the highest degree. The duration of the fasts is from Maghrib to Isha. Fasts broke with dates and water. This is a tradition in accordance with the actions of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Food, drink, sexual activity and all forms of evil speech are forbidden during the time of fasting. This includes the illegitimate use of minds, hearts, and tongues. The ultimate goal of fasting is to forbid evil and enjoin upon piety. The end of Ramadan signifies the start of Eid ul Fitr.

Eid ul Fitr- Ending the month of Ramadan on an all time high note

Eid ul Fitr- Ending the month of Ramadan on an all-time high note

Once the month of fasting and blessings are over. Muslims enjoin on the festive occasion of Eid ul Fitr. The Arabic term stands for a festival of fast-breaking. The day of Eid ul Fitr begins with Eid congregational prayers. All Muslims are encouraged towards the paying of a fixed sum of money, called the Zakat-ul-Fitr. Others indulge in acts of charity, particularly on this day. Muslims visit friends and family members with sweets, gifts and glad tidings. Muslims celebrate in this very same manner over the duration of three days. This tradition continues for generations to come, where parents teach their children the importance of fasting health benefits, prayers, and recitation of the Holy Quran.