Tips for Upbringing Muslim Children in a Non-Islamic Society

The ultimate objective of any Muslim parent, regardless of wherever they live, should be helping their kids become successful in this life and hereafter (Attaining paradise). For this, we need to do a lot of preparation ourselves because children mostly follow whatever their parents do. To make them better Muslims, therefore, we need to gather a lot of Islamic knowledge and bring them in practice on daily basis.

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The Virtues of Umrah

The Virtues of Umrah

Every form of Ibadah is attached along with its virtues in the religion of Islam, including the pilgrimage of Umrah. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has linked a number of Hadiths (Ahadith) about Allah’s bounties, wonderful blessings and rewards of performing the pilgrimage of Umrah, throughout a Muslim’s life. Shared below are some of the most authentic […]

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