The Last Sermon

First and Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Islam is a complete code of life. We all know that every religion talks about peace and love where Islam is the religion who carried on the light but yes it has the privilege to give first human rights charter in history of mankind. Not only Muslims […]

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Hajj Facts

What is the main purpose of the Hajj? During the Hajj the Hajis do acts of worship and they restart their sense of purpose in the world. Makkah is a home that is blessed to all Muslims. It is so sacred that no non-Muslim is permitted to enter. For getting spiritually charged up, it is […]

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Tips for Upbringing Muslim Children in a Non-Islamic Society

The ultimate objective of any Muslim parent, regardless of wherever they live, should be helping their kids become successful in this life and hereafter (Attaining paradise). For this, we need to do a lot of preparation ourselves because children mostly follow whatever their parents do. To make them better Muslims, therefore, we need to gather a lot of Islamic knowledge and bring them in practice on daily basis.

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