Islam teaches us about every aspect of life. Similarly, our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) clearly outlined the manners of eating in Islam. The Holy Quran also teaches us about the etiquette of eating and drinking, which benefits us in the best way. Here are some etiquettes and manners for consuming food and drink in Islam. […]

Everything you need to know about group vs individual travel in Hajj and Umrah
When preparing for a trip to Holy Kabah, you wish everything is as perfect as possible. This requires rigorous homework. For example, getting all the relevant information to make a choice between group vs individual travel. From spiritual to physical preparation, you strive to ensure everything is in order. This includes taking preparatory classes that […]

What Should Women Wear During Hajj-Definitive Guides For Women
Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is the performance of the annual pilgrimage around the Holy Kabah in the month of Dhul Hijjah. Every year hundreds of Muslim men and women perform Hajj to attain Allah’s goodwill and mercy. One of the biggest concerns for women is what to wear during […]

Six reasons why Ajwa dates are important in Saudi Arabia
Now that the highly contagious coronavirus is at the bay, people can resume their travelling programs.Be it Egypt tours, Umrah packages, or travelling anywhere across the Middle East, it is the time to plan your trip. One of the most popular gifts people take from Saudi Arabia back home is stocks of Ajwa dates. Strolling […]

Significance of Shab-e-Baraat according to Hadith and Sunnah
Booking your Umrah tour with a suitable tour company in the auspicious month of Shaban is a great privilege. Especially if you get to spend Shab-e-Barat in the holy city of Makkah, it is like a dream come true. Just as the significance of Mina during Hajj is abundant to reject the temptations of the […]
Friday Prayer – The Blissful Prayer
Importance of Friday Prayer in Islam: – The meaning of Friday is a congregation. There is great importance of this day of the week in Islam. It is Sunnah to bath, cut nails, put fragrance and wear clean clothes on this day. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared Friday as weekly Eid for the Muslims. Prophet Muhammad […]
Hajj Rewards – Journey of Lifetime
The fifth pillar of Islam, the Hajj, is considered the journey of a lifetime. This pilgrimage to Makkah has been narrated by the Prophet PBUH to be one of the 5 things upon which Islam has been built. Hajj is obligatory for every Muslim believer at least once in their lifetime. If one is both […]
Relationship Between Almighty Allah and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
The Purest Relation between the God and His Worshiper The relation between ALLAH and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) could not be explained in words. It is beyond human understanding and imagination; we can only try to explore few aspects of this amazing relationship but never understand it completely. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is so close and adored […]

Salaat – An Obligation and a Healing Resource
Salaat an Obligation The worldly life is just like a roller coaster ride. Everyone is occupied with its substantial aspects including work, family, education, status, and achieving goals etc. while we strive and try to win this never-ending marathon, we have to tackle problems like anxieties and worries. Furthermore, we surely need a backup to […]
5 Qualities that makes an Ideal Muslim Husband
Husband & Wife – The first relation bestowed on humans by Allah ﷻ, surely this pure relation of man and woman is ruined due to false and materialistic implementation on the relationship. Apart of looks and finances, a couple has to deal with each other with the best virtues to strengthen their relationship. And when […]