What is Laylatul Qadr and why are the last ten days of Ramadan considered so sacred? Why is engaging in prayer and worship so important in those days? Let us read more about the golden opportunity to earn Allah’s blessings.
Laylatul Qadr-The Ultimate Opportunity to Raise One’s Level of Piety
Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions expressed their grief at not having lengthy lifespans like the people in old times. They yearned for a longer life only to be able to serve the cause of Allah. They wanted to have an equal opportunity as those people to worship Allah. This passion and dedication to Islam impressed Allah so much. Hence, he granted the Night of Power or Laylatul Qadr. Worship on this night is better than a thousand nights’ worship.
In today’s fast-paced materialistic world, the significance of such events becomes even more profound. With so many temptations and distractions, it is very easy for people to deviate from the straight path. Laylatul Qadr provides an opportunity for Muslims to reconnect their soul with Allah. It allows people to take a break and reflect on their lives. People ponder what they are doing and the real purpose of life. Is the whole struggle for material gain even worthwhile? Is it going to bring eternal peace and happiness? What is it that eventually brings contentment? It is only Allah’s love that lasts forever. Everything else is meant to perish.
While Allah is present everywhere, Islam makes certain places and events holy so that believers utilize the opportunities to wipe off their sins and redirect on the Guided Path. Laylatul Qadr is one such occasion. Even the smallest acts of kindness and worship earn immense rewards on this night.
Spiritual Significance of Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr is the most important night of the Islamic year. Surah al-Qadr emphasizes the significance of this night. It is the night on which Allah revealed the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is a gift from Allah for mankind. It is the ultimate source of guidance for success. Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also urged Muslims to benefit from the holy night. Whoever misses the opportunity deprives himself of everlasting goodness.
Allah hid the Laylatul Qadr in one of the last five odd nights. The purpose of keeping its identity unknown is to persuade Muslims to search for the holy night. They will engage in worship across the ten days searching for the golden opportunity to earn everlasting goodness.
Qadr is an Arabic word meaning Destiny. It is the night in which Allah decides everything that a person will have in his life including his sustenance and other important matters of life. It is the night of acceptance of prayers. That is why it is important to supplicate to Allah for forgiveness and blessings on Laylatul Qadr.
Things To Do On Laylatul Qadr
Now that we know the importance of this holy night, we must avail every minute of the last five odd nights of Ramadan in search of Laylatul Qadr. There are many deeds you can do to earn maximum reward. You can recite the Holy Quran with translation and explanation to gain knowledge and wisdom. Reading the Quran on such a sacred night when righteousness is spread all around, it is likely that you find guidance that will lead to the Straight Path.
Supplicating to Allah on this night is extremely virtuous. Spend the last five odd nights pleading to Allah, accepting all your mistakes, and begging for forgiveness. If you have wronged anyone in your life, ask for forgiveness from those people as well. Allah loves humility. He forgives people who seek forgiveness from others.
Look out for needy people on the odd nights of Ramadan. You can do charity or help someone with physical chores. You can also spend time at places like orphanages or hospitals to offer social services.
Many people plan their Umrah trip so they may spend these nights in the Holy Kabah. That is one of the best places to spend these sacred nights. Umrah in Ramadan earns a huge reward. You get to connect with religious people. Being in good company helps you purify your soul and stay away from vices.
Spending time with friends and family is also one of the most virtuous deeds in the eyes of Allah. Not only does it help you earn rewards, but it also refreshes your mind and soul. Ramadan allows you to take a break from your routine life and connect with your family and friends. Congregational prayers during the odd nights let you build the spirit of unity and brotherhood while earning immense rewards.
Many Muslims perform Itikaf during the last ten days. The idea is to seclude from worldly affairs and indulge in prayer and worship to make the most out of Laylatul Qadr. Men perform itikaf in the mosque while women are secluded in a room in their homes.
Laylatul Qadr Dua
Supplicate to Allah as much as you can during the last five odd nights of Ramadan, searching for Laylatul Qadr. Here are some common Laylatul Qadr duas.
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّهَ وَأَتُوبُ إلَيْهِ
I seek the forgiveness of Allah and I repent before Him
اللهم إني أَسْأَلُكَ العَفْوَ والعَافِيَةَ والمُعَافَاةَ في الدُنْيا والآخِرَة
O Allah, I ask of you well-being & forgiveness in this world & the hereafter
وَاعْتَرِفُ لَكَ بِضَعْفِ قُوَّتِي وَقِلَّةِ حِيلَتِي
To You do I confess of my powerlessness and my feebleness.
فَصَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ
So, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
Hence, every Muslim must consider this golden opportunity to earn immense rewards. Nobody knows if it will be their last Ramadan. So one should engage in prayer and worship as much as possible in search of Laylatul Qadr.