The Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim AS) in Islam

What did Prophet Ibrahim do? Muslims trust that the prophet Abraham PBUH was a renowned personality in Islamic history. His exemplary character, bravery, and pious deeds have given him due to fame. Designated title of Khalil-Ullah –the Arabic term for the friend of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim AS was the forefather to a number of great […]

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Mujjan- The Musallah Jibraeel

The Holy Kaabah is the most sacred building for the Muslims of the world. It is the Qibla where the Muslims prostrate and offer their daily five prayers. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH after returning from his famous voyage of Miraaj narrated about the Bait-al Mamoor. It is the house of Allah situated right on […]

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Hajj Exemplifies Equality before Allah

The annual pilgrimage (Hajj) is the eventual platform to reunite with all Muslim brothers obsolescing all races, cast and creed systems so that every Muslim must fulfill the religious duty with all stands as Hajj exemplifies equality before Allah. This year, Muslims has already packed their bags to leave for Hajj to Makkah. This holy […]

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Riyadhul Jannah

While the number of holy sites in Islam is many. The Riyadhul Jannah is the name given to the center of the Holy Prophet PBUH mosque. Many Muslims including scholars have named this area to be sacred and one of the most auspicious areas in the entire Masjid e Nabwi. The area begins or extends […]

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Types of Tawaaf

Being a Muslim we all know that Tawaaf is one of the most important steps of pilgrimage. Circumambulating around Holy Kaabah in seven circles completes one Tawaaf.  One condition is that it should be started and ended at Hajar al-Aswad and should be done in an anticlockwise direction. The purpose of Tawaaf is to bring […]

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